
ph9 Status Checker


The below should pick up major incidents.

Some issues or bugs are not possible to be picked up by the below.

UP up DNS 1
UP up DNS 2
UP up MailEnable email - IMAP
UP up MailEnable email - POP
UP up MailEnable email - SMTP
UP up MailEnable email - webmail
UP up Support ticket creation

How these checks are performed

These checks are performed automatically using a third party monitoring service called Pingdom. The tests are run every minute from the following locations:-

New York, USA
Dallas, USA
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Stockholm, Sweden
San Jose, USA

Third party services

The following services are not made by ph9, but many of our clients use them or they form part of our service. You can access their status pages using the links below.

If the following providers have issues please contact them directly as we have no control or influence over them, so are unable to help

Cake Mail
Campaign Monitor
GMail / Google G Suite
Mail Chimp

Where our services live

The majority of our services are hosted with Amazon Web Services (AWS) in London, unless we have specific requirements for them to be hosted elsewhere. You can additionally check the status of AWS by going to their status checker here.

In case there is an issue with Amazon Web Services, the page you are looking at is hosted with a different provider in New York, USA.

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